The overall effect of recognition on staff performance.

  • There is strong evidence that employee recognition and non-financial rewards have a moderate to large effect on workplace performance (Level A).
  • Employee recognition has a large positive impact on employee attendance (Level A).
  • Employee recognition produces strong positive spill-over effects on other employees (Level A).
  • Employee recognition produces strong positive spill-over effects on other employees (Level A).


Based on the evidence found, we conclude that employee recognition and non-financial rewards tend to have large positive effects on work performance.

Expressions of Gratitude and Medical Team Performance.

Background & Objectives

Exposure to negative social interactions (such as rudeness) has robust adverse implications on medical team performance. However, little is known regarding the effects of positive social interactions. We hypothesized that expressions of gratitude, a prototype of positive social interaction, would enhance medical teams’ effectiveness. Our objective was to study the performance of NICU teams after exposure to expressions of gratitude from alternative sources.


Patient-expressed gratitude significantly enhances medical team performance, with much of this effect explained by enhanced information sharing.

The need for a well-motivated healthcare workforce

The current staffing shortages are causing work overload for those still in service, which invariably leads to more burnout and with staff leaving the sector, is adversely impacting quality of care. Effective, efficient and good quality healthcare cannot be provided unless organisations take the issue of healthcare employee motivation seriously. (Afolabi et al, 2018)


A non-financial approach to staff motivation is especially important for those who often remain unthanked, including those with more junior and ancillary roles. Secondary benefits include team resilience at all levels, potential for greater retention, lower burnout rates, fewer sick days and a reduced dependency on recruitment and agency cover.

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