Motivated staff are more resilient, engaged, and productive, leading to multi-basis benefits.

Improve morale, burnout, retention, and absenteeism, for productivity gains, better care and real savings.

Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run, it’s almost everything. (KRUGMAN, 1994)

Imagine ...

Staff not feeling burnt out

A compassionate and collaborative culture

Fewer staff sickness days*

Increased productivity and capacity

Raising funds for your hospital charity

Retaining and attracting new talent

Improved staff survey results**

Everyone feeling included and valued

Better online ratings and reviews

Reducing your workload

No requirement to integrate with any hospital systems

*St Mark’s Hospital Report (Nyarai Gondo, Head of Nursing) – 17% improvement in sickness rates
*Royal Blackburn Hospital (Louis Vitone, Director – General Surgery) – 24% improvement in sickness rates
**London North West University Hospitals NHS Trust – 4.5% improvement NHS national staff survey (wellbeing)

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